Monday, February 12, 2018


"We are not the avatars we create, we are the light that shines through, all else is just smoke and mirrors, distracting but not truly compelling."

- Jim Carrey

With San Pedro being a very different experience then Ayahausca many people have asked if they need to experience Ayahausca first. But I can not answer that for them. I can tell you that I needed to have Ayahausca kick down the door first, otherwise San Pedro would never have gotten in, just how my mind works. However there were a handful of people here for which San Pedro was their first plant medicine and they got a lot out of it. Just listen to your heart and deep within yourself you will know which plant medicine would be best for your first journey.

The other question I get a lot is if I have any so called "flashbacks" or how do I stay grounded in this reality or illusion. Well, I have never had any waking flashbacks. I think this is because I have always experienced plant medicines with a well trained master shaman. Once he closes the ceremony it completes my experience. So while the plant medicine is always with me I'm in control as to how it guides my journey. True, things can get confusing sometimes with all this new knowledge as it will change your perception of this illusion. But it's like learning anything new, it just takes time to understand and integrate until it becomes second nature. I find that when I no longer feel grounded in this reality all I need to do is slow down and focus on my breath. All you have to do is breathe. You will know in your heart when you are ready to journey with plant medicines and you will feel which place is right for your experience. Again, I think Jim Carrey said it best - "You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."

"Free yourself and see the world"