Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Two and a half years ago I walked in to the heart of the Amazon jungle and never walked out. Under the support and guidance of a master shaman I drank a sacred brew called Ayahuasca. As soon as it hit my tongue there was no possibility of turning back. I spent thousands of years in various dimensions of hell beyond anyone’s imagination. After begging for death to come I finally let go and died, only to be reborn again, clean and pure. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do but it was the single most beautiful point in my life. It was so powerful that even now as I type these words tears of joy roll down my cheeks. It took over two years for me to process and integrate all the experiences, or gifts really, I was given in those five Ayahuasca ceremonies. I was not just a new person but I was in a new world.

It was time for me to continue my exploration and growth, this time with the sacred plant San Pedro. San Pedro is a cactus like Peyote, in fact they both contain a natural psychedelic alkaloid called Mescaline. San Pedro grows high in the Andes Mountains so I would be returning to Cusco, Peru to meet some old friends from Blue Morpho.

Everyone has their own opinion on this and that’s ok. I can only share my experiences with plant medicines and let others decide what they want to do or do not do with them. We are divine energy existing in physicality for brief moments in time. These plant medicines are the keys that unlock the doors allowing us to understand the true energy that we are.

In fact, that is were the name San Pedro comes from. After the Spanish conquered the Andean tribes they tried to suppress Huachuma (what would eventually be called San Pedro) as the Roman Catholic church feared losing the keys to heaven and thus losing control over the people. If everyone had unrestricted access to the keys in nature then there was no longer a need for the church. The church preached that only St. Peter holds the keys to heaven, so the natives in protest began to refer to Huachuma as “San Pedro” (or St. Peter). I knew it was going to be hard work but I was ready to again unlock the doors. [Begin the San Pedro Journey]


Previous Destinations
Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam)
The Alaskan Wilderness
Africa (Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, South Africa)
Northwest Asia (Bhutan, Myanmar)
Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, South Korea)
Africa (Namibia, Uganda, Botswana)
Ayahuasca in the Amazon (Peru)
Mayan Cosmology (Belize, Guatemala)

Next Destinations

- phynntravels@comcast.net