Sunday, February 11, 2018

Devolving Back to Modern Society

I got up today and for the first time all week got to enjoy some breakfast. We then headed out to the bus to say goodbye to the lady's who were waiting for us to try and get one last sale in. Two short hours later and we were at the Cusco airport saying goodbye to everyone and exchanged emails. Some of us were flying out while others were spending a day in Cusco. Those of us leaving headed to our respective gates. Apparently everyone else read reviews for the airlines as I was the only one traveling on LC Peru. But it got me where I wanted to go and this time without the local National Geographic videographer with his $40 Sony capturing the clouds outside. We were two hours late but it was fine as my connecting flight did not leave until 1am.

For those of you that have not had the pleasure of experiencing the Lima airport it's a complete zoo, in fact "zoo" is too kind of a word. It's always loud with lots of people running around and there basically is no place to sit. There is a back window sill that is "bench" like however they are packed in tight and finding a space is next to impossible, plus it's pretty dirty. They also offer a single row a chairs at each end of the terminal but you really have no chance of securing a seat there either. Which is good because if you come within a five foot radius of them you have a good chance of going home with a venereal disease. So instead I walked across the street to the hotel that I stayed at on my way in as it had a nice quiet bar to sample the local beer.

I needed a beer because it was depressing to think about how tight of a grip society has on me. I was learning, growing, and becoming whole. Instead of continuing to evolve I was letting it slip through my fingers and devolving back to modern society. I was returning home to remain trapped behind the screen of a computer shackled down by the endless requirement of more money. Change would have to come.

I did find some humor when I returned to the airport. I had forgotten this but no matter what airline you are flying they all follow this silly pattern. They don't open the check in counters until three hours before departure on international flights.

This would not be a problem if they would only open up the gates as well. Instead they force everyone to queue up outside creating a mob of people that is almost impossible to pass when trying to get to your airline.

The time finally came and I has happy to snuggle in to my seat on my way back to the states.

Of course that was after I ordered my meal.

Once I got to Atlanta I was excited to use my new Global Entry. It took over 10 years to get due to a Cuban cigar misunderstanding at the Canadian border when I had my place in Whistler, but that was all in the past now. A quick scan of my right hand and of my face and I was back in the U.S. It was around 6am and I was feeling pretty dirty from the Lima airport. So I headed to the Delta lounge to take care of the three S(s), Shower, Shave, and well yeah.

I then grabbed a quick breakfast before boarding my flight to Seattle.

Back in Seattle I got my bag and then went to my car. I drove home and started some laundry. I checked my email and then went to throw up. Not sure if it was from being in disgust in rejoining modern society or the fact that I ate red meat on the plane after eating vegetarian for the last few weeks. Or maybe it was just the San Pedro reminding me that it's time for a change.